miercuri, 2 mai 2012

Pool Party Chaos! Facebook Invite Draws Thousands

A Welcome Back school party at Colorado State University got OUT OF CONTROL when thousands of people showed up. Partygoers posted the invite all over their Facebook pages, which made this one cray-cray pool party!
Dozens of people were arrested and some walked away with minor injuries after fights broke out.
Violence is NOT COOL!
Watch [...]

Some more bad news for Netflix!

Not only have they raised their prices, leaving customers VERY upset, but they've also just recently lost out on their deal with Starz, dropping their stock price by 9% last Friday.

And NOW they have new competition.

The Dish Network is looking into releasing their own movie subscription that will include online streaming as well as mail and in-store rentals, AND on-demand rentals.

Dish also owns Blockbuster, which means they would be getting existing customers as well as possibly picking up the Starz deal that was broken with Netflix.

This is some major competition for Netflix and with so many customers angry at the company for raising their prices, they could very well see another drop in user subscriptions.

Yikes!! We'd think twice about our pricing decisions if we were you, Netflix! Things aren't looking good for you...

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