miercuri, 14 septembrie 2011

GLAAD Calls Out Chelsea Handler For Poking Fun At Chaz Bono

We are TOTALLY on GLAAD's side for this one!
Yesterday, we were bummed when the hateful comments started up from people who don't approve of Chaz Bono's inclusion on the upcoming season of Dancing With the Stars.
Now, Chelsea Handler has also jumped on that hate wagon, and GLAAD is NOT happy about it!
For those who didn't [...]

We can't say it enough!

We LOVE Melanie C and we LOVE her new single! It is absolute FI-YAH!

Check out the former Spice Girl performing Think About It during her August 27th performance at G-A-Y in Heaven nightclub in Londontown (above)!

Ugh! She looks and sounds GREAT!

This is definitely going to be on repeat for the rest of the day!

When are you going to come and perform here in El Lay, gurl?


Emily Dickinson
The world of information
James Monroe
Information as it occurs
Herbert Hoover

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